Welcome to Mama Homesteader!

Follow my family in year 3 of our homesteading journey. Along the way we try to answer the question ," What can one small family do to change their lives on little more than 1/10th of an acre?" Let's Find Out!

Friday, April 15, 2011


  We now have baby tomato plants in our greenhouse! It's been awesome to see how FAST they've grown. Sarah loves her baby "tatoes"! In the first picture below, those sprouts literally appeared overnight. The night before they had been barely visible! Surprisingly my germination rate has been over 95%, as almost all the seeds I planted have sprouted.



  Last Tuesday evening I got around to starting my pepper and marigold seeds, so it will be exciting to see if they do just as well. I have a few more seeds I'd like to start, but most of what i have can be directly sown outside after danger of frost.

                             'Tomatoes are like toddlers...they just keep growing and growing!"
                                                  Cheers! ~ Mama Homesteader

1 comment:

  1. Wow they are growing! I love the first signs of spring!!!
