I love thrift stores. I always love being able to get a good deal on something that we need, or just something nice for the house- at a VERY discounted rate. Just today, DH and I, went to the local goodwill. I wasn't really shopping for anything in particular, except seeing if by chance they had another pressure canner. Not likely, but you never know what might turn up- and my pal Becky really wants one. No pressure canner today, but I did find a food dehydrator for $6. We didn't NEED it, but it will certainly help me make a new array of healthy snacks for the kiddo. I feel much more confident about leaving that on long hours to dry food as opposed to leaving my gas oven on.
Even at the regular stores I love a good deal. For example, I scored several pounds of bananas for 19 cents/lb. We've been going through at least a pound a day, so that's a STEAL over 50/lb elsewhere. At the same store I also picked up 4 avocados for 49 cents. But today was even better, tomatoes for 28 cents/lb and apples for 51/lb. It pays to look on the discount rack! The bananas will probably not last the weekend, while the apples will most certainly become jars of homemade applesauce.
What I enjoy even more is making things for the home from scratch. Many times is is by far cheaper (and healthier) to make something from scratch. I've been pondering laundry detergent lately. There are many sites on the Internet listing a blend of borax, washing soda, ivory soap, and water. While economical, there is some hesitation on my part on the borax, and washing soda. Both are chemicals that are harsh, and the toxicity on humans and environmental impact haven't been thoroughly studied. It may be a question of choosing the lesser evil. eventually I will try or formulate a recipe, with the goal being a product that is economical and environmentally safe. When I do I'll let you know!
Cheers!- Mama Homesteader
What I enjoy even more is making things for the home from scratch. Many times is is by far cheaper (and healthier) to make something from scratch. I've been pondering laundry detergent lately. There are many sites on the Internet listing a blend of borax, washing soda, ivory soap, and water. While economical, there is some hesitation on my part on the borax, and washing soda. Both are chemicals that are harsh, and the toxicity on humans and environmental impact haven't been thoroughly studied. It may be a question of choosing the lesser evil. eventually I will try or formulate a recipe, with the goal being a product that is economical and environmentally safe. When I do I'll let you know!
Cheers!- Mama Homesteader
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