I've given a lot of thought on the topic of homeschooling. In My Heart, I know its something I want to do and should do. But could I do it?
Anyone who knows me, knows that my Sarah drives me insane. I struggle daily to cope with toddler hood. But I know that the struggles in toddler hood won't last forever. When I think of the mom I would most like to be like, I think of my Mom's BF when I was in early grade school.Christa Henning was educated in the public education system and was a college graduate. She was an avid homemaker and chose to be a stay at home Mom in rural Ohio. She worked as a teacher at a local christian academy, BUT home schooled each of her 5 living children. It struck me as odd when I was young, but now I have a profound respect for her. She was always calm, always loving, always devoted.
Education in America began with homeschooling. Be it for religious conviction, for necessity, or just by choice- our educational foundation initially centered around the home. And with good reason, Parents are a child's first teacher. In the first few years of life, before the age when children are given a formal education- all education takes place at home. Just the other day Sarah and I were looking at a book together. It was about different foods and utensils used for eating. On the first round through, she didn't know Broccoli and peas. When she was "re-reading" me the story, she promptly pointed out and identified the Broccoli and peas. She was beaming and I was amazed. I taught her that, not some teacher in a classroom. I did it.
And as I think of homeschooling, I have begun to recognize all the things she has picked up from me teaching her- quickly, easily, and naturally. This is what I want her education to be. Not some cookie cutter, one size fits all, right outta the box program. Not all students are the same, and the current cookie- cutter education system does not meet the needs of all students. Teachers are spread thin, and Adequate one on one time is nearly non existent. Parents and students aren't being held responsible and the burden is resting on the Teacher. Most teachers are now just "going through the motions", something akin to making food at a fast food restaurant. Little variation. There's bullying, there's drugs, there's terrible behavior. Children come home cranky and with god knows what germs. Parents send their children to schools for an education, but do they REALLY know what is going on in their child's day? Do they even know what they are learning? And in most cases the answer is NO.
But a homeschooling parent knows exactly what their child is learning and at what pace. They know strengths and weaknesses. Learning is on their pace, and not that set by conventional schools. There's no bullying, no drugs, no germs caught because some negligent parent sent their child to school with pink eye. And the best part is- when your child succeeds, you're to credit for it. You reap what you've sown.
The homeschooling movement is growing. It's been stated that on average, properly homeschooled children are several levels ahead of their public/private school counterparts. They tend to be well rounded individuals, with many friends across a broad spectrum of ages and walks of life. Its a misconception that they have no social skills, in many cases quite the opposite. Many go onto college. Christa obviously did something right, most of her children have gone onto/ or are receiving college educations.
Could I do it? Looking at Sarah, IN A HEARTBEAT. Time will tell if my DH and I make that decision. But when the question arises, I'll be prepared. What legacy do YOU leave your children? What have you taught them today?
Cheers- Mama Homesteader
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