Welcome to Mama Homesteader!

Follow my family in year 3 of our homesteading journey. Along the way we try to answer the question ," What can one small family do to change their lives on little more than 1/10th of an acre?" Let's Find Out!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Introducing the "Little Lady"

    In my last post, WAY back in November, I commented on my desire to unplug from some of my modern conveniences. My clothes iron was my prime example. I hated the modern one and rarely used it. Since switching to my cast iron beauty, I actually enjoy using the iron. I don't use it much but I do smile every time I see it and use it.
   In my latest attempt to unplug I've acquired a 1916 Singer 127 Treadle Sewing Machine- the "Little Lady". While the machine was in excellent condition, it still needed help. After a new belt, a thorough cleaning, some new parts, and adjusting her tension- she works like a dream! I can sew through heavy materials easily, while my modern Brother machine groaned at the very thought. And the rhythmic clicking of the shuttle is relaxing. Even Sarah has fallen in love with Mama's new sewing machine! And the best part, no electricity needed (with exception of a small lamp if needed). Even better still, any part I may need can be bought inexpensively online. One less product to break down, and have to be completely replaced! I can fix this myself :)
So here she is, my "Little Lady"-

Soon I hope to have some video of the old gal in action. But if your interested in the meantime, scroll back to my "1900's House" post. In one of the clips you will find Mrs. Bowler using a similar sewing machine.

                       Until Next Post! Cheers!~ Mama Homesteader

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